We can teach no matter where you live.
Special Introductory Offer
50% off your first online trial lesson!

Over the years we have had many requests from families, asking for music lessons in their homes, who lived outside of our teachers’ driving areas. As a result of this need we now have launched our brand new online music lessons service in order to finally provide them in- home lessons as well!
With the technology being so advanced and available to all of us now through our phones, tablets and computers it is easier than ever to connect with people all around the world! You can be in the comfort of your home and have your online music lesson.
Some people prefer online lessons because it works better with their lifestyle and schedule. So, no matter what the reasons and where you are located, either in the heart of Indianapolis or in any of the 50 states, you can sign up for online music lessons through us. We will assign an available instructor of your choice of instrument and you will be ready to start in no time! All you need is an electronic device such as a phone, tablet or computer with internet connection and you will have a live instructor for your lessons right in your home. Check our teacher’s bio page to request for a teacher of your choice and if he/she has available spot we will get you connected.
Use our online trial lesson special of 50% off
to see how you like it!
Contact us for fees and details and we will be glad to help you get started!